Thursday, July 10, 2008

Kale Ssebo...

This is usually my response when I have no idea what someone is saying to me. It means: "It's ok Sir". It basically means I agree with what they are saying even though I usually have no idea.

So far I've been able to visit the homes of two of the other interns. Their families are pretty sweet, but no one else's host father plays pool every night...

Lisa's Uncle is probably the best educated Ugandan I have meet. He studied at the University of Edinburgh in the U.K. and speaks like he is lecturing a university class. I dubbed him "the professor" in my mind. Anyways we had a two hour conversation about politics and I think he was doing 90% of the talking. Apparently he liked our conversation because Lisa was telling me that he wants to buy me a radio so we can listen to political talk shows together...

Erica's house is very very nice. Electricity, indoor plumbing, running water, a big (Ugandan relative) tv, and nice couches. I went over there with some of the other interns and we watched the Bourne Identity yesterday. I almost forgot we were in Uganda until the electricity cut out towards the climax of the film. Ah, reality sometimes jumps out and bites you.

Awkward questions seem rampant and growing. Yesterday, an old lady after introducing me to her daughter asked me: "Are you married". Subtlety is not a strong suit in Uganda. Also, I've learned that the easiest joke I can tell is to say to someone that I am the youngest in my family. They seem to think this is hilarious and always laugh uncontrollably. I haven't yet gotten someone to explain why.

I'm going to buy a Kanzu today for a wedding introduction on Saturday. Should be sweet.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hmm u sure it's not the University of Edinburgh?

ya, i love correcting ppl. especially when i picture yourself sitting in an internet cafe trying to update your blog while the storm is approaching...