Friday, June 27, 2008


Probably one of the funniest/most fun parts of my morning walk to work is passing by the many children of the village. These little kids seem to love seing a silly white person wandering by their homes and they run after me chanting Mzungu (means European or white person). Also, they try to say whatever english they know and for the little ones the only english they know is the word "bye". The ones a bit older know "how are you". So it is very common to see little kids jumping about chanting Mzungu...Bye! or Mzungu, Mzungu, how are you? The kids are adorable so I don't mind. I can't really hide so I need to accept that I stand out.

At work, power was on for the first time on Thursday, so I got to see some of the computer class taught by my organization. It's pretty interesting as they have classes on Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Publisher, and Access. My supervisor likes to blast american music because he is young (2 days older than me) and basically loves the U.S. However his taste is a bit questionable as so far I have only heard country music and bad pop songs. I taught him how to create a blog so now the organization has a blog :
He hasn't done any updating as of this posting, so don't expect much of anything. But maybe someday...

No Malaria yet, which is good. I ate sugarcane for the first time yesterday. And I was asked if there were mosquitos in the U.S. African tea is growing on me, though I am still not a fan of the meat or fish. Posho ne envuluga is delicious. as is Chapati.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Jon, I'm really glad I came across your blog (on Teresa's facebook!) - I love reading about everything, and the organization you're working for sounds really interesting. Can't wait to hear more. Take some pictures while you're at it.